Dear Security Professional:
If you are reading this guide, you have probably decided that you:
- need better security and protection
- need more control over your valuable resources, which include people, equipment and information
- want assistance in correctly identifying your needs
Our aim is to share our knowledge and provide you with the key information necessary for intelligent decision-making,
based on facts and a predetermined level of security and budget.
Security in today’s world is an elusive concept. Ask anyone and you’ll get a different answer.
Compare the answers and you’ll probably find everyone has a very subjective perception of the subject.
Whether you’re really familiar or not with what security products can do, the first task is to define
your security needs. Then we can help you determine the type of security required and find a suitable
product. The key is matching the product to the level of security you seek. To achieve that, we must
have a firm grasp of your real needs. Fortunately AmeriSys has a broad experience in this area!
We have assisted many major clients – including the New Jersey state government and Canada’s national
police force – in solving various security puzzles. However, we didn’t do it alone: each problem was
tackled in partnership with the customer.
What you’ll learn
Please do not expect that reading these White Papers will make you a security expert overnight. However,
we believe they will help you avoid major pitfalls and assist you in dealing with parties such as security
architects, manufacturers, vendors and installers. They will also provide you with a good checklist and
road map for your project and will assist you in asking the right questions.
Series 1: Security in Your Organization – Acceptance, Costs and Benefits
We begin our general introduction to security by dealing with these basic concepts:
- the quality of “feeling safe”
- which threats to minimize
- how to respond to threats when they occur
- how much obstruction people will accept as a trade-off for “feeling safe”
- the price of not having security
- the price of security processes
- user acceptance
- benefits derived
After reading this series of papers, you should be able to decide on:
- what kind of security you want
- how much security you want
- how much you should invest
- how much obstruction your users will accept and tolerate
It will be our pleasure to give you access to our White Papers.
- Security and Obstruction
- Security Threats
- Security Responses
- Security Budgeting
Special Offer
To assist you in meeting your objectives progressively, we offer, as the next step after reading the four white papers, a free 30-minute
consultation to help you answer your 3 most important and urgent questions about security and access
control systems.
To schedule your free consultation, and obtain your free white paper, please register
One of our agents will contact you by e-mail with a web page link, a user name and a password to access the first white paper